Go nuts over something

I’m a big proponent of rhythm and structure, especially when we want to accomplish something or improve our lifestyle. Sure, mindfulness is good for us. But it’s hard to sustain, and, when we can’t, we feel like failures and tend to beat ourselves up about it. The antidote? It’s the opposite! Every now and again, it’s good to throw ourselves into something wholeheartedly. To do something completely different. To experiment, explore, get out of our own way, get out of ourselves! Go nuts over something.

The phrase comes from the fact that nuts are very tasty—“a source of pleasure or delight,” as the etymologists tell us. When we eat that scrumptious kernel, the shell of the nut is left empty. If we liken our brains to the nut, and the shell to our skull, we’ll soon figure out where later usages of going nuts and being nutty came from. But is that such a bad thing? From the viewpoint of getting out of our fixed expectations, self-judgments, and harsh brain talk, nuts are great! Take a handful and enjoy. Treat yourself to something scrumptious. Buy yourself a sparkling present. Try something new that appeals to you. Sink into the deliciousness of life by overdoing it.