What comforts you?

5-9: I’ve recently discovered a lovely (sadly, no longer used) word: frofor. According to our etymologists, the word describes “a state of enjoyment resulting from satisfaction of bodily wants and freedom from anxiety.” Nowadays, we use the word comfort in its place. We are comforted through being consoled, being soothed and reassured. Being comforted gives us feelings of strength and encouragement.

We need a lot of comfort just now, so find it wherever you can. With the lack of hugs happening globally, there’s something vital missing in the energy links between people. A comforting hug is essential to our well-being and many of us are hungry for it. Without it during our daily encounters, we need to find other ways to get that comfort. Hug yourself with a blanket. Hug a friend through a phone call. Hug your pet fiercely. Feel the comfort of hot tea and a buttered scone. Feel the mantle of an angel around your shoulders. Find comfort wherever you can.

Don’t underestimate your vital need for frofor.