Try making friends with it

Stillness 6-28: Whether it’s a thorny flower, an ache, a memory, or a person … anything that bothers, annoys, or frightens you in any way can be met cheerfully in your heart of stillness. And when you meet what or who you perceive as your enemy in your heart of stillness, the fear or annoyance is transmuted into the neutrality of Presence. You realize there is nothing that exists except Love. Everything else is a construct—it’s made up in your head. Yes, even a fearsome alligator.

It’s hard to wrap our minds around the new research that’s going on in the mind-blowing experiments and theories of quantum physics, but that’s what has been “discovered”—that nothing exists until we think it does. So when you make the effort to rethink a situation, or to think your way out of something, you really can change the outcome.

And if you’re stuck in an old memory or heartache, you can think your way to peace. If there’s anything our brains are really useful for, besides survival and unconscious bodily functions, it’s to manifest our heart’s desire. Think with your heart, and let your brain be the machinery that helps to make things happen. Don’t let your brain be the driver—it’s just the car. As you become more and more conscious of living from your heart, and quietly developing the intelligence inherent in your heart, you can make friends with anything and everything—even with perceived danger and, best of all, with yourself.