Come to a standstill

Stillness 7-27: Today is a good day to touch, light up, and activate our ruby red root chakra, located at the base of our spine. The root chakra is the center of our confidence, security, and passion. It connects us with the center of our beloved earth and strengthens our will power, our actions, and our energy. Without a strong root chakra, we drift away into feelings and thought. Without a strong root chakra, we don’t know how to take hold of longing and creativity–we forget how to make it feel real.

Feel your solidity, safety, and strength as though you are a great mountain. Take off your shoes and press your bare feet into the earth. Feel those organisms, fragrances, pebbly massages, tender grasses rising up and penetrating your whole being through the mysterious and fabulous gates that you can open in the soles of your feet.

How can you open them? Simply through awareness of them. Your awareness can create momentous change, even when you are at your most still.

I wrote this poem a long time ago:

When fate deals you
a  cruel blow
there’s only one thing
to be done:
be cheerful and go on.

When fate showers you
with blessings
and great joy
bow your head
and stand still.