Hopes, wishes, and dreams
1-7-2021: Have you been taking stock of the coming year and yet still feel uncertain? Maybe it’s not time to begin yet.
1-7-2021: Have you been taking stock of the coming year and yet still feel uncertain? Maybe it’s not time to begin yet.
12-18: Trust is a supreme form of mindfulness.
12-15: If we could live each day not as though it were our last — but as though it were our first.
12-14: The thing about eclipses is that they touch a part of our ancient human DNA that scares us. But they’re not really scary.
12-10: We don’t have to be friends to be friendly–it still makes us feel better.
12-3: find happiness through hygge and hugging.
10-8: Relaxing is a vital aspect of growth, development, and well-being.
I like to think of cypress trees as standing like sentinels over my heart, their deep blue-green holding me like no other color can.
Stillness 9-14-2020: It’s so interesting that tea has the double effect of making us feel calm and invigorated at the same time.
I’m delighted and honored to announce that The Next Generation Indie Book Awards 2020-21 selected Be Still – how to heal and grow as a finalist in their New Age category.
Here’s a way you’ll always find you have enough time to accomplish everything you have to, gracefully, lightly, cheerfully.
Here’s a practice for you: Write a letter to your future self.
9-1-2020: If you want to be happy, the first thing you need to do is accept a person as being who they are, not as you wish they were.
8-31-2020: Stop the glorification of “busy.”
8-21-2020: One of the best ways to practice balance of intuition and intelligence is to become more neutral about both.
8-14-2020: Imagine yourself as a fountain sparkling in the sunshine. The water comes from the mountain at your back, and flows perpetually into the pipes that feed your fountain, so that it always flows serenely.
Fox totem healing has to do with shapeshifting, invisibility, and the power of the magician.
When you really trust someone or something, you can relax into it.
Breathe into stillness. Let stillness become breath, and breath become stillness. You’ll feel more consciously aware than ever before.
Practice is a form of stillness.
Sound is a beautiful word, and it means a lot of things. For example, to be sound in mind and body connotes health and well-being.
It takes courage to see things differently, creatively, or personally, and not in the way others expect you to see them.