Wear your bright colors
9-26: Colors can be beautiful bridges between our conscious and unconscious, our inner and outer, our spirit and our human selves
9-26: Colors can be beautiful bridges between our conscious and unconscious, our inner and outer, our spirit and our human selves
“This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.”
“The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it.” Hippocrates
With every thought that comes your way, try out its opposite. Try to balance yourself.
9-15: Take a stand, whether it’s by singing, protesting, donating, writing poetry, knitting, drinking tea, or taking a nap.
Stillness 9-12-2020: Our darndest weakness also can be our greatest strength.
9-11-2020: How to live a healthy, whole, and happy life as an empath.
9-9=2020: Most of us live the lives we’re living for good reasons. It’s not usually a new life we seek but a new way of looking at the one we have.
How we place our feet on the ground reveals pretty much everything about how we relate to life.
9-6-2020: From the beginning, the days of the week were connected to various planets, which were connected to a god or goddess, a metal, a crystal, a personality–and a color.
Here’s a practice for you: Write a letter to your future self.
9-1-2020: If you want to be happy, the first thing you need to do is accept a person as being who they are, not as you wish they were.
8-31-2020: Stop the glorification of “busy.”
8-28-2020: When I was young, we’d pile into our car like free-ranging puppies.
I used to think that telling nice little lies was a good thing.
8-26-2020: That middle-of-the-night panic or waking-up-in-the-morning-with-dread may be related to an empowering sense of vulnerability.
The art of divination has been a part of human experience from our earliest beginnings.
8-21-2020: One of the best ways to practice balance of intuition and intelligence is to become more neutral about both.
It was like being in a rickety, flying car. We bumped and wobbled, at first barely seeming to get off the ground. Once aloft, we dipped and glided and bounced along, hour after hour.
Let yourself be adored–it’s the great secret of happiness.
8-14-2020: Imagine yourself as a fountain sparkling in the sunshine. The water comes from the mountain at your back, and flows perpetually into the pipes that feed your fountain, so that it always flows serenely.
8-13-2020: Sometimes we get way too caught up in ourselves and our overly-familiar perspective. It’s as though we were little entities peering out of two tiny windows in our head, and trying to figure out what’s what.