Stillness 4-19

there is always plenty of time for play.  


One of my favorite poems growing up was A.A. Milne’s ‘Puppy and I.’ The poem is about a young child encountering various beings (a Man, a Horse, a Woman, a Rabbit) who are very busy with their ‘have-to’ work tasks and errands. They each invite the child to accompany them, but he courteously declines. It’s only when he meets a puppy, whose delightful plan for the day is to go up to the hills to roll and play, that the child accepts the invitation to go along. Imagine if instead of play time being scheduled and squeezed around the the more ‘important’ work of academic classes or making a monetary living or doing errands, the reverse were true: Play time is our central rhythm, and in between we spent a bit of time working. We need to listen to that invitation of our hearts to roll and play in the hills as often as we can, in whatever way that means to us.