Stillness 5-3

even when you’re busy remember the sweetness and the sunshine and hum.


It is usually when we are most busy and trying to accomplish tasks and get through our to-dos that we forget to sniff sweet fragrances and hum to ourselves. Bees remind us that work is life and life is work and we may as well make the most of it. Our doings are sweet when we let ourselves smell and taste them instead of rushing through and trying to get them done. It may seem paradoxical that we accomplish more when we enjoy something. But the hive is like a great heart and so is our community. We are part of a greater whole, and everything we do affects the rest. When we seek, nuzzle, and sip beauty, warmth, and service, much more is accomplished than we even dream of. More nectar is gathered, more people are lifted up and encouraged, and more good feelings are spread around.