Stillness 5-9

Listen, communication occurs through reciprocity.


Since the advent of the telecommunications system, starting with the telegraph, there’s been an increasing sense that communicating is about imparting news, sharing information, or making arrangements. The art of dialog is lost; instead the recipient of the communique becomes a passive bystander. But communication is about community, togetherness, going back and forth, active listening, and not just waiting for your chance to say something. Imagine communication as an exchange of energy. Shift it to a place beyond just speaking and listening. In relationships it may be more important to do something creative and fun together, and not talk, in order to communicate better. Or even to sit in stillness together while the moon rises. Words sometimes simply get in the way of what we are trying to say. When we open ourselves to the much larger ‘truth’ we long to share from a place of stillness, we realize communication is about love. Even news of disaster and suffering communicates love, so that our reciprocity may be stirred to action, each in our own way.