Stillness 6-14

even the past keeps changing.

Quantum physicists describe how our present consciousness impacts not just our own future but the future of everything we come into contact with. Isn’t this also true about the past? We can change it, simply with our consciousness. Historians know this well: how an event seen from the point of view of one party can be described in words that are precisely opposite to those of a different side. (The words “the city was conquered” and “the city fell” are examples of this.) Or information arises that offers a behind-the-scene look at what was “really” happening at the time. We do this about our own past all the time. Seen in hindsight, what looked like misfortune (missing a flight, for example) turns out to be a fated encounter with a future spouse. A friendship that appeared to end badly abruptly jogged us into a different career path. Even marriages do not ‘fail’ if we change our perspective – they draw to a close for any number of (profoundly mysterious) reasons. We don’t have to know why things happen, but from our current wisdom we can rewrite how we felt about them at the time. We can imbue them with interest, flexibility, and gratitude and in this way we can change the past.