Stillness 6-19

slide into stillness.

Too often, sadness, frustrations, longings, and heartsickness prevent us from feeling immersed in the stillness that allows deep peace and bliss to permeate us. Instead of feeling bad that we’re feeling bad, or sad that we’re feeling sad, which is what happens if we pause and try to get over ourselves, try going outside of yourself. A great way to do that is reaching out a helping hand to someone else, or planting and talking to flowers and trees, walking in the woods – and one of the best ways is to get on a water slide and whoosh down into a great big spray of wet surprise and delight. As you whoop through space, you lose consciousness of everything that troubles your weary heart, and instead you become the slide, the shout, the child, the splash. Do it again. You’ll feel your whole being lightening up and stillness returning.