Doors close – doors open

Very few of us stay in one area or job or relationship throughout our lives. We may move for any number of reasons. Our relationships with our parents or children change as we or they grow up and grow old. Love affairs may come and go. Our careers change, evolve, or come to an end, as do our interests and our skills. Opening a door to the unknown is how we live constantly, even if we don’t always want to leave behind what we know. Instead of feeling the loss that change can sometimes engender, we can try to move through the experiences of life as stillness in motion. Nothing stays the same in our lives. Our human existence, at its core, is founded in change. And yet some things don’t change. A mathematical principle, for example, is always true. An experience we had actually did happen. That room we were in really was there and it doesn’t change just because we’re not in it any more. Closing a door behind us doesn’t change that. In that core of stillness we can feel more settled and thus more interested in what opens up for us now.