What’s in your future?

When people ask me to tell them their future, as though I’m a fortune-teller, I have a tendency to laugh. It’s such a funny idea to me that anyone’s future is like a large ship bearing down on us out of an ethereal mist. The future exists only in potential until it’s manifested, when it becomes the present. What’s exciting about this (not scary) is that all of us can see the potential if we want to! We wake up every morning and look ahead into our ‘future’, whether it’s our lunch date, our commute, or a meeting we’ve prepared for. We foresee what we’ll wear and what route we’ll take. Seeing the future is an innate aspect of being human, but it’s still only potential until it happens. You really can take a different route to work! When people ask me about free will versus fate, this is how I answer: It’s all potential, and there are limitless potentials, and it’s up to us to choose which shoes to wear, which path to take, which song to sing. At the same time, there are soul contracts we’ve made, and our destiny to meet, and promises to keep with ourselves. That’s different. When we look into our soul life, that’s what we’re exploring, that’s what we’re asking: What do we need to choose for our highest good?