Hold someone’s hand

Your beautiful hands are a visible extension of your brain. The lines on your palm change and grow and recede throughout your life as they mirror the activity of your neural pathways. When you hold someone’s hand, you’re holding them much more deeply and dearly than you might imagine. When you’re in love, you might feel it as electricity. When someone dies as you hold their hand you might experience a profound sense of departure. Children’s hands tend to be trusting and warm. When I read someone’s hand, it doesn’t matter so much the advice and guidance that is fairly obvious to anyone with a rudimentary understanding of palmistry. What matters is that I feel a sacred tenderness — as though I’m looking into a secret part of their brain. What matters is that I care. So look at your palms and lightly draw your fingers along the lines. Wonder about them. Feel a curiosity and affection. It’s amazing how paying gentle attention to your palms can calm anxiety, help you feel grounded, or inspire a creative thought. They reveal much more than you may think. And holding someone else’s hand can have a tremendously powerful effect on their well-being.