Release your wish

Did you know that it’s by letting go of your wish that it can come true? First you need to decide what to wish for. What do you long for? Trust what you want. Cherish your desire. Our intuition is our guide as much as our reason is. Sometimes I feel we have straitjackets around our souls preventing us from thinking we deserve something or imagining that if we get something (like love or happiness) it means someone else has less of it. Not so! Following your soul’s longing allows other people follow theirs. When you’re happy, other people are happier. When you’re ignited by your dreams of success and adventure, you’re fired up with delight and enthusiasm. Of course the adventure may not be anything like your initial imagining of it—the twists and turns that happen when we make a wish are part of the fun. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? Make a generous wish for yourself, a kind wish for someone you know, a compassionate wish for the world. Write them on a piece of paper, fold it tightly, and place it in the center of a circle. Rotate around it eight times counter-clockwise, eight times clockwise, and then a third time the opposite way again. Set the paper alight and let it burn to ash and light. Then completely forget about your wishes. Let them go. Blow them from your thoughts like dandelion seeds, letting them propagate and manifest where and how they will.