Beyond science

The magnetically-charged arteries that form a flower-of-life energy grid all around our globe seem heightened at this time. They’re being activated with greater force because of our consciousness awakening to our human connection, whether through virus, thought, or anxiety. May our connections instead be with joy! Our joy is connected with our root chakra, the chakra of safety, groundedness, security, and prosperity, and our root chakra is taking a hit just now. Try to strengthen it by feeling the earth under your feet, drawing sweet air into your lungs, and remembering there is only this moment, the present, and in this moment you are safe. When we don’t regret the past or worry about the future, we’re mindful of what is, right now. As we grow aware of the earth’s energy grid connecting all of us, we can share energy of kindness, compassion, and joy.  Perhaps the whole world will change because of this disaster and we’ll wake up to blue skies, birds singing in cities where they’ve fallen silent, and we’ll fall in love again with the hum of insects and bugs. Poisons and plastic creates enormous harm to us all and everything around us—perhaps we’ll finally stop using them. Perhaps we’ll stop eating live animals anymore. Perhaps even eating our fellow creatures will come to an end at last. What’s happening is far more massive than how it’s affecting us humans. Perhaps the disaster will turn our whole planet around, and all will revert health and well-being once again, including our climate. What brings you joy? Life—which depends intimately on the safety and health of our rivers, seas, mountains, forests, clear skies, bees, insects, and wildlife of all kind. Don’t underestimate how powerful you are in rippling out enormous impact in small and big ways. Don’t underestimate your power to spread joy.