Never alone

There is an angel for everything, I was told once, even for every drop of rain. Yes, that means we each have our angel of stillness. Our angel of stillness brings us to the heart of our connection with all-that-is. The more we practice our connection, the more vivid and helpful all our angels can be. An added benefit of connecting with our stillness angel is that we can literally dissolve the angst, fears, and despair that the current situation engenders. There is no room for that when we fill ourselves with the power of stillness. We recognize ourselves. We realize that nothing exists outside of our lightbeing essence, which is peace, beauty, joy, gratitude, connection, and love.

Here’s my practice if you’d like to try it: Start with the breath, breathing deeply through your nostrils into your belly, and then slowly releasing through softly-parted lips. Breathe through various stages of peace, surrender, and loving where you are, right now. Imagine yourself sitting in a large, golden shaft of light. Breathe it in and out and see how it expands as you breathe out. Slowly become the shaft of golden light itself. You become a conduit between Source and vessel. Feeling deeply present, center on your solar plexus, and radiate out this golden glow all around you. When you radiate outward, you draw your angel energy toward you. From here, you can shift into stillness. For me, the experience is as though I’m floating and utterly bliss-filled. If you want a great activity for well-being and solace while you’re self-isolating, nothing beats the practice of being still. When we’re still, we are ourselves the heart of connection. We realize we are never, ever alone.