Make it a habit
8-28-2020: When I was young, we’d pile into our car like free-ranging puppies.
8-28-2020: When I was young, we’d pile into our car like free-ranging puppies.
I used to think that telling nice little lies was a good thing.
8-26-2020: That middle-of-the-night panic or waking-up-in-the-morning-with-dread may be related to an empowering sense of vulnerability.
8-25-2020: When you’re having a hard time getting along with someone, what do you do? Attack, or growl, or feel hurt, or smile, snarl, try to talk about it, see a therapist, or walk away?
The art of divination has been a part of human experience from our earliest beginnings.
8-23-2020: In order to keep pouring ourselves into the world, we need replenishment and moisture. We need to infuse ourselves with rest, joy, appreciation.
NEW CLASS! Learn about the healing energy of tarot and how you can access, activate, and light up your own healing power.
8-21-2020: One of the best ways to practice balance of intuition and intelligence is to become more neutral about both.
I like to imagine the person before me as a present. Try it. What we see are lovely ribbons. It’s rare that any of us reveal the present that is inside, at least not right away. Our task is to untie the ribbon that wraps them and somewhat disguises them. It’s the untying of the ribbon that is as delightful as unwrapping and admiring the gift itself.
It was like being in a rickety, flying car. We bumped and wobbled, at first barely seeming to get off the ground. Once aloft, we dipped and glided and bounced along, hour after hour.
Let yourself be adored–it’s the great secret of happiness.
8-14-2020: Imagine yourself as a fountain sparkling in the sunshine. The water comes from the mountain at your back, and flows perpetually into the pipes that feed your fountain, so that it always flows serenely.
8-13-2020: Sometimes we get way too caught up in ourselves and our overly-familiar perspective. It’s as though we were little entities peering out of two tiny windows in our head, and trying to figure out what’s what.
8-11-2020: Become your fullest potential! We need change, transformation, and growth to survive and we need to keep expanding, through feelings, experiences, consciousness to thrive.
8-10-2020: Imagine your life as a metaphor for adventure, passion, peace, accomplishment, or wonder. How would you describe it? Would it be a mountain or a library or a ship?
8-9-2020: Your beautiful heart chakra, located in the middle of your chest area, is the bridge between spirit and body. It’s your realm of balance, calmness, serenity.
We have an incredibly complex taste system in our mouths that gives us the ability to taste in countless ways. But how do we taste energy?
Practice exhilaration. When you exhilarate, you help others to feel cheerful, lively, joyous. You gladden them.
Would you like your heart to feel as light as a feather?
How would it feel to be tiny? What would happen if you sipped a magic potion, like Alice, and you grew smaller and smaller?
In the spring I made a conscious decision not to weed this year. What would happen, I wondered.
It’s a good day to touch, light up, and activate our ruby red root chakra,