“WriteSpa Oasis” is a place to be rejuvenated and inspired by sessions in writing and intuitive consulting and mentoring. My unusual writing practices and inspiring readings offer guidance, encouragement, passion, and clarity.
[Please note: Winslow Eliot is not offering private consultations or classes at this time.]
Mentoring, Coaching: If you’re seeking a writing mentor, an intuitive consultant, a coach, or an editor, please contact me. I offer flexible options, reasonable rates, and many creative opportunities to enrich your writing – and your life.
Intuitive consulting is a way of divining your inner purpose, connecting with your higher self, and re-establishing your relationship with your creativity, confidence, clarity, and enjoyment in life. My main tools are hand reading and tarot reading.
BlogTalkRadio: For several years, I hosted the weekly “WriteSpa Oasis” talk show. We wended our way through divine ways of meeting creative challenges, and spoke with many authors and entrepreneurs, artists and teachers. Your can listen to past shows here.
Writespa newsletters include writing practices, exercises, and musings about writing that are intended to help you look at your creative process in fresh ways. Past issues can be found here.
Books available from WriteSpa Press:
Many of my writing practices have been compiled into a book called WRITING THROUGH THE YEAR … fifty-two weeks of writing pleasure.
“What Would You Do If There Was Nothing You Had To Do? Practices to create your life the way you want it to be.”
“Each of us has been called to take the great Leap into the unknown—finally, an instruction manual! A brilliant and beautiful companion to the soul’s evolution. Ms. Eliot’s gentle guidance, wisdom, and practical exercises make the journey a joy.” —Dr. Jan Seward, Clinical Professor of Naturopathic Medicine, Psychologist, Creative Arts Therapist