Amor Fati
Loving your destiny.
Loving your destiny.
We each create our own reality, our purpose. We weave our web of life with each breath. What does yours look like?
Let go of attachment.
Be like an archeologist in life, and less like a tourist.
In a day without structure, how can we feel solid and grounded?
When we have plenty of time, we also have more space.
Listen to your body — it’ll tell you want’s really going on.
What can you say when there’s nothing to say?
Practice not knowing. You don’t have to make sense of it.
How quickly things are moving — and how slowly too!
What does friendship mean to you?
Maybe it would help if occasionally we surfed the news instead of diving into it.
Practice using your heart, not your head, to remember.
The earthworm has five hearts.
Do good — be still
Beyond science
Be the connection
Feel the peace in wild things
What tempts you?
Choose the best ride
Remember your joy
Grow into light