Every one of us matters
Every column has a purpose and so do we.
Every column has a purpose and so do we.
The first day of May falls at the height of spring and honors Bel, is the Celtic god of light.
1-7-2021: Have you been taking stock of the coming year and yet still feel uncertain? Maybe it’s not time to begin yet.
1-1-2021: Let yourself feel a powerful, dragon-like peace as you float into a future of courage, compassion, and hope.
12-24: In “A Christmas Carol” the injunction is utterly clear: Goodness and kindness is up to us, each one of us, and only us–not a Higher Power.
12-21: This evening we’ll see a rare astronomical event: a grand conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn.
12-15: If we could live each day not as though it were our last — but as though it were our first.
12-3: find happiness through hygge and hugging.
It’s not about choosing what you love—since that isn’t always possible—but loving what you choose.
9-6-2020: From the beginning, the days of the week were connected to various planets, which were connected to a god or goddess, a metal, a crystal, a personality–and a color.
Practice is a form of stillness.
How can we stop our craving for more?
It’s a good time to go back to the basics and filter out the rest.
Life in isolation becomes routine, surprise, and stillness, over and over.
There’s no such thing such thing as a guilty pleasure
Take the long view
Feel the peace in wild things
Be your direction
This is true
See life as a tapestry
How do you taste
Noticing symbols