Keep pouring out
8-23-2020: In order to keep pouring ourselves into the world, we need replenishment and moisture. We need to infuse ourselves with rest, joy, appreciation.
8-23-2020: In order to keep pouring ourselves into the world, we need replenishment and moisture. We need to infuse ourselves with rest, joy, appreciation.
8-21-2020: One of the best ways to practice balance of intuition and intelligence is to become more neutral about both.
8-14-2020: Imagine yourself as a fountain sparkling in the sunshine. The water comes from the mountain at your back, and flows perpetually into the pipes that feed your fountain, so that it always flows serenely.
8-13-2020: Sometimes we get way too caught up in ourselves and our overly-familiar perspective. It’s as though we were little entities peering out of two tiny windows in our head, and trying to figure out what’s what.
8-11-2020: Become your fullest potential! We need change, transformation, and growth to survive and we need to keep expanding, through feelings, experiences, consciousness to thrive.
8-10-2020: Imagine your life as a metaphor for adventure, passion, peace, accomplishment, or wonder. How would you describe it? Would it be a mountain or a library or a ship?
8-9-2020: Your beautiful heart chakra, located in the middle of your chest area, is the bridge between spirit and body. It’s your realm of balance, calmness, serenity.
How would it feel to be tiny? What would happen if you sipped a magic potion, like Alice, and you grew smaller and smaller?
It’s a good day to touch, light up, and activate our ruby red root chakra,
Fox totem healing has to do with shapeshifting, invisibility, and the power of the magician.
When you really trust someone or something, you can relax into it.
Practice unfurling … it’s a great way to remember your limitless potential.
We bridge things all the time: Bridging old to new, bridging cultural boundaries and consciousness, bridging rifts.
Breathe into stillness. Let stillness become breath, and breath become stillness. You’ll feel more consciously aware than ever before.
When we emerge from this sea change, we may find ourselves in the same place and surrounded by the same people, but we ourselves will never be the same.
Sound is a beautiful word, and it means a lot of things. For example, to be sound in mind and body connotes health and well-being.
To go behind something means to dig out its deeper meaning.
To be clairscentant means that we’re smelling the fragrance of something that does not actually exist in physical reality: we’re smelling energy.
What does it mean when you dream about people you don’t know?
Green is the color of sympathy, courage, wisdom, and devotion. It’s the color of truth, hope, and love.
Activate your sense of touch today by closing your eyes and grazing an object lightly with your fingertips.
Creativity is not about finishing something but about making something.