You have the key
You have the key–now find the door.
You have the key–now find the door.
Before any eclipse, it’s a good time to let yourself feel calm, serene, and quiet.
I wish I could show you how beautiful you are.
If you want to feel better about things, use your imagination.
What if we approached the scary edge of things from the other side–by flying toward it.
Don’t underestimate the necessity for comforting yourself in these troubled times.
You are a sentry of love.
It’s the same field, the same earth, the same grass, the same color no matter which side of the fence you’re on.
Finding our way home.
What happens when we let ourselves remember how we used to feel and who we really are?
You are the adventure itself, not its passer-by.
We each create our own reality, our purpose. We weave our web of life with each breath. What does yours look like?
Be like an archeologist in life, and less like a tourist.
What you imagine becomes real.
In a day without structure, how can we feel solid and grounded?
When we have plenty of time, we also have more space.
Listen to your body — it’ll tell you want’s really going on.
What can you say when there’s nothing to say?
Practice not knowing. You don’t have to make sense of it.
How quickly things are moving — and how slowly too!
What does friendship mean to you?
Maybe it would help if occasionally we surfed the news instead of diving into it.